Skipton Step into Action Project Update
We believe that our communities and connections have an integral function when it comes to enhancing our health. Taking inspiration from nature and the environment, we currently offer Mindfulness and Yoga sessions in small outdoor groups at Aireville Park in Skipton. We also provide one to one gardening experiences with Incredible Edible on their allotment. We have lots of innovative ideas to develop our Projects further based on feedback from our Community members;
“I found out about ‘Step into Action’ about five weeks ago. My husband has Alzheimers and I have found it very difficult to cope during the past 18 months. He is 83 years old but very active physically and loves to walk. Two volunteers – Claire and Chris have volunteered to walk with Brian each week, this has supported me in more ways than I can say. It gives me some space and makes life more manageable.
I have taken advantage of ‘Ground yourself in Green’ project delivered in Aireville Park and participated in the yoga sessions. Chris volunteered to meet us in Aireville Park to take Brian walking at the same time – Wonderful!
Both volunteers are lovely – punctual, sociable, caring and suppoprtive. I cannot praise them enough. What a wonderful organisation.”
(Project Participant)
“The extreme isolation I experienced during the winter lockdown led to me becoming very depressed. I was advised to contact Skipton Step into Action. As a result I am now doing Yoga in the park and helping at the community allotment each week. Both of these are enjoyable, shared activities. I have met some very supportive people since contacting SSIA, for which I am very grateful.”
(Project Participant)