Nurturing Growth
What is Nurturing Growth?
Nurturing Growth is an extension of our successful Ground Yourself in Green project, delivered over the Spring and Summer months in Aireville Park.
During this time, we have built on strengths and friendships of local people, everyday skills and community spaces and we continue to encouragepeople to come together in a safe and relaxed environment.
As we transition into Autumn, we are moving our wellbeing activities indoors to Skipton Town Hall.
Activities on offer
A range of inclusive activities are on offer for adults living in Skipton and South Craven (including surrounding villages)
- Mindful Walks
- Coffee & Chat
- Creative Mindfulness
- Yoga
- Tai Chi*
*Additional to the free Nurturing Growth programme, Skipton Step into Action Members will be invited to enjoy Tai Chi with Val Preston from TrulyEssential Holistic Therapy at the discounted rate of £6.50/hour
Dates & Times
Nurturing Growth will run on a Thursday for 12 weeks, starting on Thursday 7th October 2021 until Thursday 20th January 2022 (excluding 14thOctober, 28th October, 23rd December, 30th December) at Skipton Town Hall
Schedule of Activities
10am – 11am Mindful Walks/Coffee & Chat
11.15am – 12.15pm Creative Mindfulness
12.30pm – 1.30pm Yoga
2pm – 3pm Tai Chi
Booking information
To reserve your place on the Yoga and Mindfulness sessions, or if you require further information, please contact Skipton Step into Action,
Tel no: 01756 802098 (Mon – Fri 9am – 1pm)
email: support@ssia.org.uk.
Please note, these sessions are free of charge.
To book the Tai Chi sessions please contact Val Preston on