Christmas Elves Appeal a Huge Success!
Thanks to a massive community effort, SSIA’s fourth Christmas Elves Appeal was a huge success. This year we provided gifts for 152 children from 72 families! 42 volunteers helped to wrap the gifts, and a further 12 helped with the planning and organising.
A big thank you to…
- Skipton Building Society for their incredibly generous donation of £2000 towards books and educational gifts.
- Skipton Rotary and Skipton & Craven Rotary for very generous donations of £500 apiece to buy gifts
- Mewies solicitors, Savage Crangle solicitors, Craven Cattle Mart
- Velvet Beauty Studios for raising over £300 at their Christmas charity event and using the money to buy gifts
- Craven Lodge Freemasons for raising £220 in a Christmas raffle
- Carleton Men’s Shed Choir for raising £107 with their Christmas collection
- Holt Doctors and Beyondly for sending us teams of lovely volunteers to help wrap, and buying lots of gifts from the list
- Dedicare, for buying lots of gifts from our gift list
- Brougham Street Nursery and Tog24 for buying gifts for us in place of doing their usual Secret Santa
- Morrisons for hosting the Christmas trolley and donating a number of gifts
- B&M for giving us a discount on gifts bought in store
- Addingham Nursery for organising a collection of toys for us
- From The Source for donating some beautiful knitted gloves
- Walker Foster, NFU Mutual and Skipton Properties for acting as drop-off points for our gifts
- Skipton Fire Service for delivering the majority of the gifts for us
- Councillor Andy Solloway for delivering more of the gifts in the SSIA WAV, Jean
- Jane Vincent at Fortem People for letting us take over half of their office for a week, for the fourth year in a row, to do all of the sorting and wrapping
- Everyone who bought a gift, donated money or knitted for us; and the people who attend our Wellbeing Cafe for helping to wrap gifts.
We could not do any of this without the generous support of everyone involved – thank you so much for ensuring all children in our community can experience the magic of Christmas!
To see more photos of what our Elves got up to see our Everything Else! Gallery